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Writer's pictureMeir Ezra

How Life Becomes A Liability

Today I want to talk to you about how life becomes a liability for you.

When you have something that takes from you more than it gives you, it becomes a liability, it becomes a debt, you owe on it more than it gives you.

In life, most of the time, what happens is that you sit and wait for things to happen...

You are passive, you are not proactive, you are not causing things.

You just sit there doing nothing and think it doesn't cost you anything.

But the moment that you have something that doesn't produce something, it costs you and so it is a liability.

You will see that every single problem you have in life is a problem that comes from you being passive, you not being proactive.

Passive here is not in the sense of passive income of course, passive means accepting something without response - total effect.

So what's the handling?

Look around in your life and stop being passive.

What are examples of being passive?

Watching Netflix is being passive.

Waiting is being passive.

Thinking is being super passive.

Anything that doesn't actually produce an income, and by income I'm not just talking about money, but anything that you want of value, coming in.

Anything that doesn't produce income is passive.

If you sit down and make a list of how you've been passive in the past day and decide, "I'm changing one thing, just one thing."

Stopping one thing from being passive and instead being proactive by deciding, "Okay this is what I'm going to do about it..." Before you will even do what you decided you're going to do, you will see your life will improve.

Try it!

And have a look at the video below and please share this post!

Thank you,

Meir Ezra

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