The more I'm learning about this the more I see how important this is.
What is this that I'm talking about?
Follow up
When you follow up on people, you get results.
The people that don't follow up lose so much potential business, simply from not following up enough.
Most people follow up way too little.
Let's take it to the extreme for a second. You should follow up until you get a very solid no. Until you get a very solid no, keep following up.
It doesn't mean be annoying. You can give them a break. Give them a month, two months and then follow up again.
Keep a finger on the pulse of what's going on with that person - see if it's appropriate. You can feel out whether it's appropriate to follow up now or in six months. Maybe your follow-up is a year later, but don't lose that client.
Have a solid system. If you want to find out what system I use, get in touch with me, but have a system that will give you the ability to track your clients.
Follow up with them and make sure that they don't fall through the cracks.
If they say that right now it's not a good time - don't give up yet, they didn't say no.
Keep going until they say, "Look, don't talk to me anymore." Then you go on to the next client but continuously follow up with more and more and more clients.
The power of follow-up will increase your sales tremendously and will get you more business.
People that are interested in you will actually appreciate it when you follow up with them.
So follow up and I know that it will get you good results like it's been getting me and the people I work with.
Thank you, and enjoy the video below.
Gal Ezra