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Don't Fall Into This Trap

You can easily fall into this trap.

What trap am I talking about?

The trap is, looking at your client as a money symbol.

You have somebody call you and you're like; oh, just another number in my pipeline, just another sale, just another way to make money.

You don't look at the client as a person anymore, with specific needs that has more to give than just money to your business.

So when you look at clients, not just as a number, not just as a client in the business, but you look at them as a being, as a person, as an individual that needs help, that has a problem that they're coming to you with.

Just you having the point of view that they're not just a number, not just a client that I need to help with and process through my business and get their money and sign an invoice.

No, they're a person that needs help.

When you have that point of view and, it doesn't mean you have to do anything special, you just treat them with that certain edge, that certain friendliness, that certain care and they'll be there, somehow, even more in communication with you.

You have to have the point of view that, whatever they need I'm going to help them like I would any person. I want to help people around me. I look at them as more than just a number.

So care for your clients, look at how you can help them, think of them as beings, not as numbers and you'll see that your relationship with your clients will grow, and then as a ripple effect in return, your business will of course grow.

I hope that that helps.

Play around with that.

Give that care to your clients.

Thank you,

Gal Ezra

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